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AI in ELT (EngPhil, EASP & FAN only) Präsenzveranstaltung

On our teacher training day, the following topics will be addressed (amongst other things):

  • What are LLMs?
  • Is AI intelligent indeed?
  • What are AI hallucinations and how can teachers tackle them?
  • Detecting (and dealing with) fake news, disinformation and stereotyping: New competencies for language learners.
  • Prompt engineering.
  • Legal issues, data protection and copyright.

Our speaker's professional bio:

Dr. Leah Sharp (ProLehre Media and Didactics @TUM) studied physics, earning a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a master’s from San Francisco State University and finally a PhD from TUM in theoretical chemistry. Leah spent the next few years teaching physics in California, where she learned to flip her classroom. She later returned to Munich and joined the MOOCs coordination team in 2018 as a project manager. In addition ot hosting courses such as Blended Learning and the Foundations Course, she also consults with instructors about their teaching goals. She is also the head of the eScout and hyScout Academies, training tutors in the didactics and technology to support blended and hybrid teaching.

D: Medientechnik und -didaktik für den Fremdsprachenunterricht
E: Praxismodul: Unterrichtsplanung, –methodik und –techniken
9 AE
  • Unterrichtsplanung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
  • Sinnvoller, innovativer Einsatz von KI-Technologie
Einrichtung:SZ der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Veranstaltungsort:Raum A301 Bismarckstr. 1 (A-Turm) 91054 Erlangen
15.11.2024 10:00 bis 17:00
Referent*in:Leah Sharp
Ansprechpartner*in organisatorisch:Bernhard Hölzel
Ansprechpartner*in technisch:Bernhard Hölzel
Gebühr:0,00 €

Zugangsbeschränkung: Nur für Mitglieder der Einrichtung 'SZ der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg'